Cervantes, Chodzko, Davydov, Dmitrev, Dmuszewski, Fétis, Goethe, Gorecki, Griboyedov, Karamzine, Kozlov, Krylov, Niemcewicz, Ostrovski, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Viazemski, Venevitinov, Zukowski…
For Pushkin from Goethe, Encounters between two great poets, Exhibition « The Legend of Goethe’s Pen », Radio Voice of Russia (in Polish), 16.03.2012
Goethe and Maria Szymanowska, on the web page: History of the town Marianske Lazne and its surroundings (in Czech)
Goethe and Kazimira Wolowska, on the web page: History of the town Marianske Lazne and its surroundings (in Czech)