Editorial extensions of the Maria Szymanowska Society and faithful to its initial objectives, the Cahiers Maria Szymanowska are a biannual journal that has three objectives:
- continue research and investigation work in the field of szymanowskian studies concerning the work and personality of Maria Szymanowska;
- pay particular attention to the inclusion of women in the musical field;
- shed light on the history of women and gender in all fields of creation by favoring the analysis of the historical and sociological context of women's experiences in the production of art.
The reflection extends to all the practical, political, cultural and symbolic aspects of social life. The editorial line of Les Cahiers is clear, focused on gender studies at the crossroads of the arts and social issues.








The digital edition of Cahiers Maria Szymanowska is available on all platforms and digital bookstores, which can be consulted in particular at www.numilog.com/ResultatRecherche/Societe-Maria-Szymanowska/20019.Editeur
The paper edition of the various issues of Cahiers Maria Szymanowska is available from the following partner bookstores:

- Librairie Polonaise: 123, boulevard St-Germain, 75006 Paris / librairie@librairiepolonaise.fr
- Librairie des Femmes: 33/35, rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / contact@desfemmes.fr
- Tschann: 124, bd du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris / commandetschann@free.fr or tschann@free.fr
- Henri IV: 15, bd Henri IV, 75004 Paris / contact@librairiehenriiv.com
- Falado: 6, rue Léopold Robert – 75014 Paris / info@falado.fr
- Ulysse: 26, rue Saint Louis en l'Ile, 75004 Paris / ulysse@ulysse.fr
- Librairie Arioso: 45, rue de Rome, 75008 Paris / contact@arioso.fr
- Librairie Monnier: 55, rue de Rome, 75008 Paris / 55@librairiemonnier.com
- Le Divan: 203, rue de la Convention - 75015 Paris / ledivan@ledivan.com / www.librairie-ledivan.com
- Compagnie: 58, rue des Ecoles – 75005 Paris / www.librairie-compagnie.fr
- Millepages: 91, rue de Fontenay, 94300 Vincennes / commandejbd@millepages.fr
- Folies d'encre: 78, avenue de la Résistance, 93340 Le Raincy / foliesdencreraincy@orange.fr
- Les deux GeorgeS: 5, rue des Frères Darty, 93140 Bondy / librairie2georges@gmail.com

- Librairie Points Communs : 30, rue Georges Lebigot – 94800 Villejuif / libraire@pointscommuns.org
- Librairie Mollat: 15, rue Vital Carles – 33000 Bordeaux / www.mollat.com
- La Machine à Musique: 13, 15 rue du Parlement Sainte Catherine – 33000 Bordeaux www.lamachinealire.com/la-machine-a-musique-lignerolles/ssh-6441

- Librairie Torcatis : 10 rue Mailly - 66000 Perpignan (04 68 34 20 51) librairie.torcatis@wanadoo.fr

- Librairie associative Cinémanouche: 15, rue République – 84480 Bonnieux
cinemanouche@orange.fr / 06 10 48 31 42

- La librairie Aux Classiques : 28, place Dupleix - 86100 Châtellerault aux-classiques@orange.fr lalibrairiechatellerault.fr
- www.musicologie.org

Poland :
Edukator - Księgarnia Francuska: ulica Bronowicka 19 - 30-084 Kraków / www.ksiegarniaedukator.pl / zamowienia@ksiegarniaedukator.pl